San Francisco, California


San Francisco, Aug. 18th.

The body of a drowned man was found in the bay this morning. His papers bore the name of Martin Wolf. Marks of violence on his person indicate that he was murdered.

The steamer Sacramento sailed this morning with about 400 passengers and $1,429,900 in treasure. Major H.C. Bull was among the passengers.

Salutes ordered by General McDowell in honor of the memory of the gallant General Wright, late commander of the Department of Pacific, Fort Point, and the other posts in the vicinity of the city, flags half-mast during the day.

A grand complimentary dinner was given to Hon. Schuyler Colfax and party, tendered by the six Chinese companies in California.

Portland, Aug. 18th. A new town has been laid out five miles below Portland, called St. John. A wealthy and experienced company have commenced build.

San Francisco, Aug. 20th.Eastern line still down. Cotton fields of Los Angeles are promising yields far beyond the most sanguine expectations of the planters the U.S. double tender war steamer Swanee, fully refitted and coaled for a cruise came down from Mare Island at noon today, and will start immediately in the search of the pirate, Shenandoah.

The San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle contains the following capital "take off" on the sensation Fenian dispatches:

Buffalo, June 2 ­p; The Fenians have possession of all Canada. Roberts will probably demand that Lord Russell be immediately sent to him by Queen Victoria, as a guarantee that she will eventually express her opinion that Ireland shall be free. If any more accounts arrive from Ireland of "hanging men and women there for wearin' of the green," Roberts will at once hang the Governor of Canada.

Montreal, June 3 ­p; The Fenians have hoisted the Green Flag on all the public buildings. The Green waves above the Red; there isn't a red to be found among the whole Fenian army. All the whiskey in the city has been confiscated in aid of the cause.

Buffalo, June 4 ­p; One thousand iron-clads, each as large as the Northumberland, are afloat on Lake Erie. The bold Fenians built the different portions in their backyards, unknown to the U.S. Government and conveying them to the lake, in the space of one hour fitted them together and launched them. The greatest excitement prevails in this city. It is believed by prominent Fenian leaders that Queen Victoria will, when she hears this news, immediately write to Roberts, offering to give up Ireland. The blow has been a sudden one, but it has been completed.


On the seventh instant the Bank of British Columbia exported to Victoria $79,000, and the Bank of British North America $72,000; total, $151,000 (all from Barkerville and environs).

Aug. 14th, 1866

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